Shao-Hsuan Kuo

Shao-Hsuan Kuo

PhD Candidate

Shao-Hsuan Kuo is currently an international PhD candidate in the Applied Stem Cell Technology (AST) group from Taiwan, supervised by Prof. Andries van der Meer. He received his M. Sc. degree and B. Sc. degree from the Institute of Biomedical Engineering (BME) in the National Chiao Tung University (NCTU) in Taiwan and the Department of Electrophysics in the NCTU, respectively. His specialty is to design microfluidic system for biomedical applications. Before he joined the AST group, his research interest focused on developing a smart, low-cost, disposable, and electricity-free microfluidic biosensor device for urinalysis, which is a potential alternative to common lab-based urine examination for residents in remote and/or resource-limited areas. He published a series of tutorial articles to introduce various types of microfluidics and their applications in the LinkedIn before traveling to the Netherlands. The article series was written for those who are interested in microfluidics and those who are trying to start their microfluidic career from zero. The articles aims to popularize microfluidics and to cover the shortage of background knowledge without derive any formulas. The helpful and informative articles will interest you as well.